Have you ever wanted an online marketplace reminiscent of the fun collector fairs you used to attend back in the 1990s? You would pay your entrance fee, then wander in not knowing what you will find. What you did know though, is that you were going to a specially curated market where you knew there would be cool collectible stuff. It was a self selecting group of like minded buyers and sellers all meeting at the same place, at the same time.
This is exactly what The Collector Alliance has set out to do, but in the digital realm. Our collectors fair is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. You pay a flat fee to enter the collectors market as much as you want. You can be a buyer one day, a seller the next, it is completely up to you. Just come and browse and see what other collectors are buying, and what market prices are doing.
Just like a collectors fair, we don't accept just anyone selling just anything. Items must have collector appeal otherwise they belong somewhere else. This is not the place to sell your used maching machine, or old bed frame. Although a strict definition is slippery to pin down, basically you know a collectible when you see it.
The founders of The Collector Alliance are collectors just like you, and this is reflected in the way the service is run. Inappropriate listings just get in the way of you finding what you really want. But it is recognized that collectors are unique and have passions all across the spectrum. To keep the service organized and intuitive, we do not let our members classify their own listings. We take this classification activity seriously, to be executed as part of providing a rich accurate and fun experience for all. As such, we manually inspect and classify every listing that goes on the market place so you know exactly where to find what you are looking for.
When listings are created on the market, they firstly go into the New Listings category. This is a great place to find the freshest collectibles added for sale. Over the course of a day or so, these will then be assessed for suitability and pushed into their rightful category.
We have dozens of targeted categories for collectors to browse through which is a tribute to the diverse nature of collecting. Whatever your flavour, we have you covered and invite you to participate in your chosen community of fellow collectors. Who knows, you may even unlock a new passion you never knew existed within you. Below are the recognized first class citizen collectible domains curated on our service.